

Exploring how AI can benefit both Deloitte and its customers.


Role UI
Agency — Engine
Tools — Sketch


Create concepts for how a new AI tool could be used to help Deloitte Finance create a more streamlined experience between its business and customers. Craft and re-imagine the early app wireframes and design a phone and tablet experience for multiple user types.

Project responsibilities  — UI design  ·  Design direction  ·  Leading team  ·  AA accessible

The app is designed for use by both Deloitte employees and their customers. Both user types could independently track tasks, upload information and keep track of progress throughout the financial year. Ultimately the app would help to reduce person to person interactions.

Although I was mainly a UI designer for this project suggested reworking the initial UX concepts into a dashboard to give a better user experience, which was the direction we went with. I was responsible for setting the style and I gave design direction to a small team who helped me with designs towards the project deadline.

The Deloitte ‘assistant’ would wake up and help you when it had something to share. This AI interaction was key to reducing real world conversations between customers and Deloitte. I created a simple concept for the assistant that used the brands green dot and added eyes that would move in a humanlike manner.

Deloitte’s brand guidelines influenced the final colour palette, tones and fonts. Aside from them I had a lot of creative freedom, designing a new look and feel for elements and layout of the app.

Data visualisation
It was important to represent data in the app in a meaningful and manageable way. As part of this project I designed different charts, graphs and data tables that represented various data points.


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